last updated: 25th May, 2018
This Website is owned by FIRMA snc with registered office at Via Alessandro Manzoni 7, Albano S. Alessandro (BG) Italy, Tax Code, VAT number IT 02023650167 (“FIRMA snc”).
These General Conditions of Use ("General Conditions") govern the navigation and use of the various functions enabled in the public area of the Website www.FIRMA snc.it (the "Website") by subjects accessing the Website ("Users").
1.1 By accessing, visiting and using the Website, Users acknowledge that they have read, understood and expressly accepted all these General Conditions of Use. Acceptance of these General Conditions is a necessary precondition for navigating the Website and using the Services defined below.
2.1 The Services and Content of the Public Area may be accessed free of charge. Users undertake not to use the Services and Content in any way other than as expressly permitted by these General Conditions.
2.2 Users expressly undertake not to reproduce, modify, duplicate, copy, distribute, sell or otherwise transfer Content and/or Services to third parties nor to exploit them for purposes other than those described in these General Conditions without prior written permission from FIRMA snc.
2.3 Users undertake to use the Website, its Services and Content, and all other data and/or information contained therein, exclusively for lawful purposes, in accordance with these General Conditions and with the provisions of applicable law. Users therefore guarantee FIRMA snc complete indemnity and accept full responsibility for any and all unlawful misuse and/or violation of applicable laws.
2.4 Violations of system or network security may give rise to criminal or civil actions.
2.5 Finally, it is understood that, unless otherwise specified, information contained in the Website does not constitute a contract or a public offering of products and/or services according to article 1336 of the Italian Civil Code, nor can it be considered binding for the purposes of negotiations or business relationships.
3.1 The "FIRMA snc" name and logo is a registered trademark of FIRMA snc (the "Trademark"). The graphical representations, drawings, technical drawings, designs and Content of this Website and its collection and organisation in general are protected by copyright and the exclusive property of FIRMA snc .
3.2 Access to the Website does not grant Users the right to use the Trademark, name, logo or brand associated with the Services and/or Content of the Website. The display, downloading and printing of the Trademark and Content is permitted solely for purposes related to use of the Website. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, download, display, send by electronic or mechanical means, transmit, record, duplicate, photocopy or reproduce the Trademark or Content in any form without the prior written consent of FIRMA snc.
4.1 To the extent permitted by applicable law, Users accept that they use the Website at their own risk. The Website is provided "as is" and "as available". FIRMA snc offers no specific warranty as to the results that can be expected, desired or obtained through use of the Website, its Services and/or its Content.
4.2 Pursuant to article 1229 of the Italian Civil Code, Users agree and promise to indemnify and hold harmless FIRMA snc, its representatives, employees, contractors, associates and partners from all liability, including legal fees, incurred in connection with use of the Website.
4.3 FIRMA snc declines all liability for claims made by Users concerning the impossibility to use the Website and/or its Services or to access the Contents or Restricted Area for any reason whatsoever.
4.4 FIRMA snc reserves the right to disconnect, remove and/or replace Services and Content (or any part thereof), temporarily or permanently, and at any time. Users accept that FIRMA snc cannot be held responsible in any way to them or to any third party for any suspension and/or interruption.
4.5 Information (in text or graphic form) provided directly by FIRMA snc's suppliers and related to goods and/or services offered on the Website does not imply any liability on the part of FIRMA snc. The parties providing such information assume full and exclusive responsibility for the instructions, specifications and descriptions contained therein. FIRMA snc cannot therefore be held responsible for graphic inaccuracies and/or errors. FIRMA snc offers no warranty, implicit and/or explicit, regarding details, content or software, or the merchantability and fitness for purpose of information, goods or services described or offered by suppliers through the Website. FIRMA snc nevertheless declares that, upon request and within the limits of the law, it shall provide the names, addresses and other details necessary to identify the supplier and/or manufacturer of goods and services offered.
4.6 FIRMA snc has compiled the information provided on the Website from internal and external sources and to the best of its knowledge and belief, using professional diligence. No representation is made nor warranty given, either expressly or tacitly, as to the completeness or correctness of the information contained in the Website.
4.7 FIRMA snc and its affiliates, partners, licensors and suppliers assume no responsibility for any interruptions or omissions affecting the Internet, the network or hosting services provided, and offer no warranty that the Website, the Services and/or the Content contained therein nor electronic communications transmitted by FIRMA snc are free from viruses or other harmful elements.
5.1 The Website contains links to other websites or other Internet resources ("Links"). The User acknowledges and accepts that FIRMA snc cannot be held liable in any way for the proper functioning of such external resources.
5.2 FIRMA snc is not obliged to monitor the content of external resources or sites accessed via links and therefore assumes no responsibility for the content and/or material, advertising included, contained in such external sites or resources or for the products or services offered therein.
6.1 FIRMA snc offers no warranty that the information contained in the Website (and in particular the Services and Content) are correct and legal outside Italy.
6.2 Users therefore undertake to comply with all laws governing the use of exported data applicable in the country where they reside.
6.3 Users in any country other than Italy expressly assume responsibility for ensuring that their navigation on the Website and their acquisition of information from it comply with the legislation of the country where they reside.
7.1 In conformity to articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and Italian data protection legislation (Legislative Decree 196/03), FIRMA snc informs Users that it processes the personal data necessary to identify individuals (e.g. name, surname, tax code, VAT no., e-mail, telephone no., etc. – hereafter “Personal Data”).
FIRMA snc assures Users that their Personal Data will be processed according to the principles of correctness, legality, transparency, confidentiality and respect for Users' rights.
The Controller is FIRMA snc , with registered office at Boffalora, 1/A 24048 Treviolo (BG) Italy.
By accepting these General Conditions, Users consent to the processing of their Personal Data.
7.2 Purposes of processing
Personal Data submitted by Users may be processed for purposes related to navigation of the Website and use of the Services and Content provided, in accordance with article 6.1 letter b) of GDPR, and in particular to:
Only with Users' previous and specific consent, FIRMA snc may also process their Personal Data to distribute commercial newsletters and promotional material concerning products, to carry out market research or other sample-based research, to monitor levels of customer satisfaction and to distribute material concerning FIRMA snc events and initiatives.
7.3 Methods and Nature of Processing
Personal Data may be processed by computerised, telematic and paper-based systems, using organisational and processing logic strictly suitable for the purposes concerned and able to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of data in compliance with the organisational, physical and logic measures specified by applicable legislation.
Personal Data may be processed by persons working as data processors inside or outside FIRMA snc.
If necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, personal data may be communicated to third parties within the European Union and in other countries. Personal Data will not be disclosed in any way other than to these third parties.
Bearing in mind the purposes of processing described above, Users understand that their refusal to submit some or all of their Personal Data, or the submission of incorrect Personal Data may make it impossible for them to navigate the Website, use its Services or access its Content.
Users' Personal Data will be kept for the duration of their relationship with FIRMA snc and for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes described above but for no longer than 10 years after the conclusion of the relationship.
7.4 Users' rights regarding Personal Data
Users may, at any time, exercise the rights granted them by article 15 of GDPR, as listed below:
Users may exercise their rights by writing to FIRMA snc at the following email address f.manenti@firmasnc.it
8.1 Navigation Data
The information systems and software procedures put in place to ensure the functioning of the Website acquire certain items of personal data as a result of their normal operation, such data being transmitted implicitly through the use of Internet communication protocol.
While such data is not collected for the purpose of identifying Users, for its very nature it could, if associated with data held by third parties, permit the identification of Users or visitors to the Website. (Such data includes IP addresses, names of the computer domains used by persons connected to the Website, codes identifying server response states, browser identities, etc..)
This data is used exclusively to compile statistical (and therefore anonymous) information and to monitor the correct functioning of the Website. Internet connection data is not kept for more than six months other than in the event of legally pursuable attacks on the Website.
Data derived from internet services is not divulged or diffused.
8.2 General Information on Cookies
Cookies are text files that websites send to the terminals (typically to the browsers) of visiting Users. Cookies are saved on Users' computers and returned to the website of origin the next time a user visits that same website using the same terminal. Websites may also permit the transmission of so-called “third party” cookies. These are cookies generated by websites other than the website the User is visiting (via elements in that website such as banners, images, maps, sounds and links to the pages of other domains).
Depending on persistency, cookies are classed as session cookies (temporary cookies that are deleted automatically at the end of the navigation session or when the browser is closed) and persistent cookies (which remain on the terminal until they expire or are deleted by the user).
Cookies serve various purposes. Basically, they are used to ensure effective data transmission and communications and to deliver services requested by Users. In particular they activate and optimise Website functions, permit authentication of data and prevent abuses, monitor sessions and improve Users' navigation experience, for example by memorising specific information regarding Users (such as their preferences, browser and type of device).
These cookies (whose use does not require the consent of Users) are known as “technical” cookies; without them some of the technical operations described above either could not be performed or would be more complex and/or less secure.
If cookies are used for other purposes, typically for User profiling and for sending promotional and advertising messages (so-called “profiling” cookies), as soon as Users reach the home page or other landing page in the Website, a banner is displayed in a prominent position containing a brief notice on the use of the cookies concerned and requesting consent to proceed. Users may consent to the use of these cookies and continue their navigation by clicking an element under the banner or simply by closing the banner.
In any case, these cookies can only be read and modified by the website that generates them. They cannot be used to collect data from Users' terminals or to transmit viruses. Some functions normally performed by cookies can also be performed by other technologies; therefore, in the context of this data protection notice, the term “cookies” may refer to actual cookies or to other analogous technologies.
8.3 Use of cookies by the Website
This Website may use session cookies or persistent cookies. The cookies generated directly by this Website are “technical” cookies, used to ensure:
8.4 "Third Party" Cookies
This Website also permits transmission to Users' terminals of third party cookies from companies with which FIRMA snc cooperates. FIRMA snc acts exclusively as technical intermediary for such cookies. While sending them, FIRMA snc does not control their functioning, which remains the sole responsibility of the third parties concerned. (FIRMA snc has neither control over nor access to the data provided and acquired.)
8.5 Management of Cookie Choices
Users can control the way cookies are used through their browser.
Users can set their own preferences governing the use of cookies. In particular they may use the functionalities found in all common browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari) to delete/remove all or some cookies and to change the browser's settings in order to block cookies or limit their use to specific websites. To learn how to configure browser settings (which are normally accessible from the browser's toolbar), go to the “Support” area of the browser supplier's website (which can be found using a normal search engine).
Disabling cookies does not in itself prevent use of the Services offered by this Website. However, if all cookies, including technical cookies, are deleted/disabled, it may prove impossible, more difficult or less secure to perform certain operations. This applies, for example to operations inside the Website's Reserved Area (because cookies are used to identify the User and store his details throughout the session).
9.1 FIRMA snc reserves the right to make changes to this Website, its Services and Content and to these General Conditions at any time. Users should always refer to the text of these General Conditions of Use as posted on the Website at the time of consultation.
9.2 These General Conditions and the relationship between Users and FIRMA snc are interpreted and governed by Italian law.
9.3 Any dispute arising between Users and FIRMA snc concerning or related in any way to the interpretation and execution of these General Conditions, or to use of the Website, its Services and/or Content shall be decided exclusively by the courts of Padua, Italy.
9.4 FIRMA snc's decision not to exercise any of the rights and provisions set out in these General Conditions may not be construed as a waiver of the same.